G Beach is located in the Regional Natural Park of the Island of Sant'Andrea and Punta Pizzo, in the heart of Salento, and is considered by everyone one of the most beautiful beaches in Europe. It's one of the very rare Italian beaches located within a natural park, surrounded by lush greenery, with an enchanting beach encircled among the rocks, in one of the most picturesque coastal stretches of Italy.
The journey from the parking lot to the beach, which is about 200 meters away, is very pleasant because the path runs through the shady pine forest and is perfumed by the Mediterranean scents. At the end of the walk the sky opens and the beach of G Beach presents itself in all its natural beauty.
La terrazza panoramica lascia senza fiato per la vista sul golfo e per i tramonti fiammeggianti.
G Beach offre la propria cucina e propone menù preparati con la massima cura dai suoi chef, che utilizzano solo materie prime di qualità. I piatti preparati sono ricchi di fantasia, deliziosi e genuini. La qualità della cucina, unita alla bellezza del luogo e al personale attento, fanno di G Beach una delle poche spiagge in Italia con un servizio veramente a cinque stelle.
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